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 Server Errors....

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Level: Novice
Level: Novice

Number of posts : 26
Registration date : 2009-01-04

Server Errors.... Empty
PostSubject: Server Errors....   Server Errors.... EmptyFri Oct 16, 2009 8:09 am

Hey guys,

The Host's of the server are having some difficulties upgrading there servers, which means a hit on forums like ours.

So if you see strange things like the forum is undergoing maintenance etc. That is most likely the cause.

They are trying to implement some upgrade to features in the forums, not exactly sure why but, it isn't going to plan...they're blaming IBM Rolling Eyes

Also, the whole forum body (everything but the title at the top) disappears if i have the Chatbox on, which is kind of weird and something i am looking into. I hope i can get it working, i paid out of my own cash for that thing i want to get my monies worth, lol.


Edit: they are going back to there previous servers, they fell out with IBM, so hopefully everything will be back to normal..not long how long it will take however.

Regarding the chatbox etc.

"We are facing issues generating templates since the migration, the fact you changed them some time before isn't important, as it's for all templates.
I suggest you wait for our tech team to fix the issues, they have all been reported and they're on it right now."
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