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 Need For Speed: Shift

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Need For Speed: Shift Empty
PostSubject: Need For Speed: Shift   Need For Speed: Shift EmptyThu Oct 01, 2009 12:48 am

Need For Speed: Shift

Mini Review

I've not been playing this that long but here's my take on the game.
It's nice to see that ea have moved the Need For Speed franchise away from the modded nitrous cars you see in McDonalds car park on a Friday night.
This time round that've gone for the stock car style, the game almost reminds me of Toca Touring cars game for the PS2 or was it the PS? It was that long ago.
The game still consists of cars like Toyota and Nissan in witch you can add the stuff the kids love (nitrous).
The level of detail is good with some great affects when your doing stupid miles per hour like bluring to the cockpit and mirrors which I think makes the game.
Tuning your cars is like GranTurismo, you buy your parts with the money you earned by winning races the tune your motor up like gear ratios and downforce.
The aim of the game is to get to the NFS Championship,  to do this you must complete races to get their.
There are Tiers you must climb and unlock.
You get points during the race almost like PGR on the xbox for doing things like, smashing other drivers off or keeping to the racing line.
The points are divided into two catogories, argression and presision.
The races are good that it till the ai drivers bash you off the track.
The hanling of the cars are fantastic at first you may think "why am I sliding around?" but then you get the hand of it, the idea is to use the Trigger buttons as real pedals and ease them down, you don't want to hit the brake full on into a corner that's just stupid, this is where the game comes to life. Also FWD cars are easier to control where as RWD cars can be tricky witch again adds to the realism of the game.
Even with modes like elimination and against the clock and multiplayer to keep you going I'm not sure how long this game will last.
This game is good, not brilliant or fantastic or crap, just good.
Another thing to add, stuping up your Lambo into a LaMans style monster car is crazy.

I'll give this game 7/10

Likes: Car realism and feel
Dislikes: Race Tier system

Ranv. (Gamesplat editor)
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Level: Novice
Level: Novice

Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2009-10-03

Need For Speed: Shift Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need For Speed: Shift   Need For Speed: Shift EmptyMon Oct 19, 2009 8:48 am

I enjoyed a brief stint with it but I'll probs trade it soon. Its just gone too far down the pecking order doubt it would get much use before GT5 tbh.
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